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What is Bulk hot melt?

Hot melt adhesives for professional bulk adhesive equipment are often supplied in granulate, blocks or barrels of 200 liters.

Bulk granulate hot melt

As a manufacturer, Intercol offers adhesives and hot melts from primary source for low prices. Our bulk hot melt grades are used in a wide variety of applications including packaging, product assembly, book binding, labeling, furniture industry, construction, etc. Of course you can rely on super high quality hot melt adhesives for versatile applications. We are happy to help you select the perfect bulk hot melt for your application. We can also provide you with samples and bulk prices.

bulk psa hot melt blocks

Different types of hot melt

Hot melts consist of different types that often serve specific applications. The various properties can often also be combined to achieve the best properties for a specific application. There are a number of very popular and typical applications to name.

Granulate hot melt

Granulate hot melt is often used as packaging hot melt. It adheres to all kinds of materials such as cardboard, glass, metal and plastics. In practice, cardboard packaging is often provided with a plastic inner layer, such as a PE coating or a PE film. Nowadays this granulate hot melt is increasingly supplied with an automatic filling system, such as the Nordson Fullfill or Liberty systems, or even “tankless” systems such as the “Nordson Freedom”. These automatic hot melt granulate filling systems work fine with Intercol's standard range of packaging hot melts. Granulate hot melt adhesives are usually based on EVA or Polyolefin.

Hot melt adhesives for packaging applications

Self-adhesive hot melt

Adhesive hot melts are typically used to make self-adhesive labels and adhesive tape to produce. Self-adhesive hot melts are applied hot-liquid, just like granulate hot melt adhesives. After they have cooled, they still give a strong adhesive layer at room temperature. Depending on the type of hot melt, it can also be suitable for cold or warm temperatures. Hot melt tape in particular is known for its good tack in frozen conditions, partly due to the low glass transition temperature (Tg).

Product assembly hot melt

Wood, construction and furniture production.

Self adhesive strip applicator (PSA hot melt)

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